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Coffee Blends

Triple Blended Coffee Beans
Making Coffee


by MOTO Bean Roasters



Brazil Alta Carmelo - Natural

Colombia Popayan Huila - Washed


Tasting Profile

Dark Cacao, Walnut Praline, Chocolate


A modern approach to a traditional dark roast, the REAPER

signifies the death of the commodity trader. By offering a

premium, specialty grade blend that leaves all other dark

roasts in its wake.


We've designed this coffee to appeal to everyone who loves a

bold, caffeinated punch in the face, first thing in the morning.

Best suited to milk based drinks, the REAPER is perfectly

balanced with both complexity and a rich tasting profile, this

coffee delivers something special for people who love a

velvety, tasty milky.

Sidamo Guji - Single Origin (Ethiopia)

by MOTO Bean Roasters


Produced with the traditional process that made Ethiopian coffee famous.

This fully washed heirloom is cultivated at 1900MASL in Ethiopia’s Guji Zone.
This coffee is grown in rich, high quality soil, ensuring every ripe cherry picked is of the highest standard.

The processing of this coffee involves hand selecting high grade beans from each harvest and mechanical pulping.

The coffee is then placed in fermentation tanks. After being removed from fermentation tanks, the coffee is then washed thoroughly to ensure all mucilage is removed from the beans. The coffee is then dried on raised beds in the shade over 10-14 days.
What you can expect from this coffee is a super clean, fruity and floral cup.
Perfectly imbalanced with a high level of acidity and sweetness.

Blends: Products

0480 281 333

299 Beach Rd, Black Rock VIC 3193, Australia

Designed by Nathan Palmer

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